After a very successful collaborative workshop on 7th December in Hythe, there will be more for next year to be announced soon.
Below are my solo workshops.
Sacred Odyssey Workshops 2025
All £45 10-4pm. Broadstairs Kent.
February 22nd
Shifting the shit!
We are coming out of winter, hibernation and looking forward to Spring, new beginnings. Why continue with old worn out patterns. An in-depth look at your life and past. What you want to carry forward and what you need to clear out.
Intuition, meditation, a bit of magic, deep inner stillness.
March 29th
Spring into Action
So has the first part of the year been good so far? Have your plans gone to plan or awry? Let’s look at where you are, where you want to be and who you are. Allowing yourself to grow and change, be confident, increase your potential and Spring forward!
A blend of spiritual practice, coaching, thought field therapy for general blocked areas.
Date to be advised
Go on you know you want to!
So what is holding you back? Let’s take an in-depth look at your blocks, your shadow and work on clearing them. Yes, your dreams can become reality but first you need to believe in yourself.
May 31st
Summer ready
Summer, so halfway through the year how crazy has it been? What are you seeking, hope, peace, happiness, joy, laughter, friends, relationships? Come along and feel refreshed, renewed, restored and get Summer ready!
June 21st
Crystals, beautiful crystals, energy aligning, soul aligning, grids and purpose. Join me on this amazing day to experience the full potential of these wonderful beings of light.
NOT for the Faint hearted Still to come later in the year, shadow work, deep soul work.