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New Retreat date 7-8th June 2025 Aylesford Priory, Nr Maidstone.

An Odyssey is a journey, so a Sacred Odyssey is a journey we make together to help you heal and resolve issues in your life, in the best way possible. 

Life does not always go according to plan. Mine certainly didn't. However with great mentors,
inner work, seeking help, and a strong spirit I have overcome the wounds of my past and am
here to help others do the same. The 'wounded healer' is so true for many of us. 
Please see my consultations page for how we can work together. 
In light, hope and understanding, I can help you on your journey. See the page my philosophy
for more about me. 
Caroline x 
Find me on instagram @sacred_odyssey 


I contacted Caroline to ask whether she could help a family member without being in the same physical space as them. 


Caroline explained that she can use remote crystal healing to establish energetic links with a recipient. She selects crystals that relate to the areas that need healing and arranges them in a crystal grid. She then checks the grid regularly and makes alterations as necessary.


I can testify to the effectiveness of remote healing as Caroline has been able to identify and address physical, emotional and mental aspects of well being.


Caroline’s remote work has shown me that it is possible to send healing energy that positively affects the recipient. The “evidence” for me is to witness increasing feelings of relaxation, happiness and empowerment.

-HH, Italy-

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